According to Audrey Mae’s artistically designed cemetery map and Audrey Mae’s gravestone numbering system in her Spencer Historical Family Cemetery, Elizabeth Alice Potter’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Fifty-One. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Elizabeth Alice Potter.
(2012 Update: Audrey Mae’s granddaughter reported that Elizabeth’s gravestone inscription has 8-26-1838 as date if birth and 9-8-1901 as date of death. More research needed.)
Unsure whether this is Bruce MacGunnigle – 52.
Web site author is unsure whether Elizabeth is a seventh-generation Spencer, in East Greenwich, Rhode Island or whether she married a seventh-generation Spencer. Audrey Mae records that Elizabeth married William McGowen.
According to Audrey Mae’s mini-biographies, William McGowen’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Fifty.
More family research is needed.
“Spencer. McGowen and Potter descendants, if you have any additional information on Elizabeth Alice Potter, please add a comment to this web site and the web site editor will add this to the site. Thanks.”