Category Archives: Audrey Mae’s direct ancestors

Audrey Mae (née Spencer) MacDonald’s direct ancestors in her Spencer Family Historical Cemetery

No. 1 Huldah Johnson

no-1-huldahAccording to Audrey Mae’s artistic map diagram, Huldah’s gravestone is Gravestone Number One in the Spencer Family Cemetery.  Huldah was married to John Spencer (Gravestone Number Two), the son of William and Mary (née Manchester) Spencer.  Huldah (née Johnson) Spencer was Audrey Mae’s, Edith Anna’s, and John Edward’s great, great, great (3 times) grandmother.

Bruce MacGunnigle – 15

Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Huldah:no-1-huldah-nee-johnson Continue reading

No. 2 John Spencer

no-2-john-am-revAccording to Audrey Mae’s map diagram, John Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Two in her family’s historical cemetery. His wife, Huldah (née Johnson) Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number One. Audrey Mae always referred to this John as “Revolutionary War John Spencer” to distinguish him from the many other John Spencers both before and after him. According to Esther Amanda (née Spencer) Briggs, the Spencer historian, this John was called “red headed John” to distinguish him from other John Spencers. At that time in history it was traditional to name the first son after his father. There are many John Spencers in Audrey Mae’s ancestry, and, consequently, ancestors needed to find distinctive adjectives to use with the name to distinguish which John was being mentioned. This John Spencer, a young man at the time of the American Revolution, was Audrey Mae’s, Edith Anna’s, and John Edward’s great, great, great, (3 times) grandfather.

Bruce MacGunnigle – 14

Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of John Spencer, a fifth-generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.

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No. 5 Roby Tarbox

no-5-robyAccording to Audrey Mae’s artistic map diagram and gravestone numbering system, Roby’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Five.  Roby was the daughter of Joseph Tarbox. Roby was Audrey Mae’s, John Edward (“Ed”)’s and Edith Anna’s great, great (2 times) grandmother. Using a Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Roby:

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No. 6 Richard Anthony (“Deacon”)

no-6-richard-anthony-deacon_0According to Audrey’s map diagram of her Spencer Family Historical Cemetery (aka E.G.No.9), Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Six. Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) was Audrey Mae’s, Edith Anna’s, and John Edward’s great, great (2 times) grandfather. Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) is a sixth-generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Richard Anthony (“Deacon”):

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No. 7 Richard Anthony born in 1817

According to Audrey Mae’s map diagram, Richard Anthony’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Seven. Richard Anthony is Audrey’s great-grandfather and he is a seventh- generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Richard Anthony Spencer:

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No. 8 Anna Maria (“Mirah”) Spencer


Anna Maria (Mar-eye-ah)

According to Audrey Mae’s artistic map diagram and gravestone numbering system, Anna Maria (“Mirah”) Spencer is Gravestone Number Eight. Audrey Mae always heard her grandmother Anna Maria’s name pronounced as Anna Mar-eye-ah. Because of this, Audrey Mae wrote her grandmother’s name as Anna Mirah.Anna Maria (“Mirah”) Spencer and spouse John Johnson Spencer, a veteran of the Civil War, share the same large gravestone. Anna Maria and John Johnson Spencer are Audrey Mae’s, John Edward’s and Edith Anna’s grandparents.

Anna Maria (pronounce Mar-eye-ah) Spencer is an eighth- generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of her paternal grandmother, Anna Maria (pronounce Mar-eye-ah): Continue reading

No. 8 John Johnson Spencer

no-8-john-johnsonAccording to Audrey Mae’s artistic cemetery map diagram and Audrey Mae’s gravestone numbering system, John Johnson Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Eight.  He shares this gravestone with his wife, Anna Maria (pronounced Mar-eye-ah) Spencer.  Anna Maria and John Johnson Spencer are Audrey Mae’s, Edith Anna’s and John Edward (“Ed”)’s paternal grandparents. A Civil War stake and flag is by John Johnson’s gravestone. John Johnson Spencer was a private in Lt. Greene’s Co.,1 Reg’t New England Cavalry, which later was known as Co.H,1 Reg’t R.I. Cavalry.  Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of John Johnson Spencer, an eighth-generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Continue reading

No. 53 Audra Eleanor Spencer

no-53-audra-eleanor-spencer-0326According to Audrey Mae’s artistically designed cemetery map and Audrey Mae’s gravestone numbering system in her Spencer Family Cemetery, Audra Eleanor Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Fifty-Three. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the late 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Audra Eleanor, a seventh-generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island:ams-53-audra-eleanor-spencer

(2012 update:  From the gravestone reading and from Bruce MacGunnigle’s book, Audra’s year of death appears to be 1891. )

Bruce MacGunnigle – 59

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No. 54 Benjamin Spencer

no-54-benjamin-spencer-dsc_0328According to Audrey Mae’s artistically designed cemetery map and Audrey Mae’s gravestone numbering system in her Spencer Historical Family Cemetery, Benjamin Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Fifty-Four. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Benjamin Spencer, a seventh generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.ams-54-benjamin-spencer

Bruce MacGunnigle – 58

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