No. 65 Delilah Spencer

no-65-deliah-spencer-married-whippleAccording to Audrey Mae’s artistically designed cemetery map and Audrey Mae’s gravestone numbering system in her Spencer Family Cemetery, Delilah Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Sixty-Five. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the late 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Delilah Spencer, a seventh-generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.ams-65-delilah-spencer

Bruce MacGunnigle -16

Delilah’s parents are Captain John (gravestone No. 4) and Phebe (née Vaughn) Spencer (gravestone No. 3) and her grandparents are John (gravestone No. 2) and Huldah (née Johnson) Spencer.  Delilah’s brother is Obediah Spencer (gravestone No. 21). Web site author has no information on Delilah’s husband, Pallemen A. Whipple, Jr.

Delilah‘s gravestone markings record her name as Eldora Whipple. Web site author does not know if there is any significance to her burial not being in the row with her siblings (gravestones 16-22) or why she and her husband are buried in the northwest corner section, next to “Gus” (gravestone No. 65). William Augustus (“Gus”) is her father’s brother’s son. Gus is the son of Roby (née Tarbox) and Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) Spencer’s son. Therefore, Gus and Delilah are first cousins.

According to Audrey Mae’s artistic map diagram, Gravestones 16-22 are the children of Captain John and Phebe Vaughn. Using a Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biographies of Captain John and Phebe (née Vaughn) Spencer’s children, Eliza, Phebe, Harriet, Almira, Matilda, Obediah and Susan:


Spencer, Johnson, Goff, Vaughn and Whipple descendants, if you have any additional information on Delilah (née Spencer) Whipple, please add a comment to this web site and the web site editor will add this to the site.  Thanks!”